The Law of Attraction, the Law of the Universe, states that what you attract to your life will be determined by your thoughts and focus.

What if gambling could bring more money? Can the law work for me? Yes! You can, as long as you have the right mindset.

Because I have studied the Law of Attraction for over 20 years and enjoy gambling, my learning and study have resulted in increased winnings and jackpots.

This article is primarily about winning Video Poker games in casinos. However, you can also beat other games with these tips.

Although it may sound like “moral” advice, this is crucial from a Law of Attraction perspective. You can’t play with bill money or rent. If you play with fearful funds, you will feel less confident.

If you have limited funds, start a JACKPOT JAR. You might want to put Jackpot Jar in the JACKPOT JAR. It will affirm you every time it is seen. It will become your belief that it is accurate. It is possible to put money in each week. You don’t have to put in any money, no matter how little. Keep putting aside a bit until you have enough money to go to the casino. You might then be able to cash in the penny or change your bedroom jar, even if it’s empty.

Traveling without guilt or fear is crucial. You will feel more at ease knowing you don’t need to lose it.

My father was one of the most successful Video Poker players I have ever seen. He won a lot of huge jackpots. I remember a $13,000 jackpot, many $8,000 jackpots, as well as numerous $4,000- and $1,000-level jackpots.

Although my father didn’t believe in the Law of Attraction, his son loved to dream about Atlantic City and the prizes that he would win. He said something along the lines of, “First, go to a quarter-machine and hit $1,000 there. I will then use that money to play at the dollar machine until I reach $4,000. After that, I will sit down for an hour and win smaller amounts before the big one. Video poker is easy to win.

He did not use visualizations to win, and he did them simply because he enjoyed it. It didn’t matter what motivation was; I can guarantee it worked!

It got to the point where he could not win more than three jackpots in one weekend.

He was so good at winning that losing was impossible. He never lost because of the Law of Attraction. What you believe and think is what it will bring you.

So start visualizing winning before you even go. If a “huge Jackpot” seems too fantastic to you, start small. Accept it. First, you’ll win $100 here and $300 there. Imagine what perfect hands you’ll receive. Imagine how happy you would feel if this were your chance. Think about how you would feel if you could count huge bills on your return flight. It will be amazing. You can repeat this process as often as you wish before reaching the casino.

If you are reading this, then you probably have internet access. Therefore, you can practice winning online by visiting a lot of websites.

Enjoy the excitement of winning online by playing your favorite game. Play for free, and don’t worry about losing your hands. Could you focus on the fact that it’s easy to win? It will be like playing with real money. You will feel the excitement growing as you win each winning hand.

Negative thoughts can stop you from winning, but those spoken loudly can be ten times more powerful. Do not fall for the “casino talk” prevalent among players.

It is best to forget how many chips you have left and how much credit is withdrawn. Instead, focus on the fun and enjoyment of the game.

Many times, I switched to “auto mode” in Video Poker. It isn’t easy to hold certain cards because I have been playing this game for so long. Now They can focus my attention on the number of credits in the machine. My vibration will go along with the decrease in honor.

Since then, I have learned how to concentrate on the joy of the game. Now I slow down my auto-response. Sometimes, I pretend to be a beginner in the game. I get excited about even two 2’s, and I wonder how it would feel to draw more. Yeah! I don’t have to wait for the “big hands” to get excited. I love the game. When I enjoy the game, I vibrate more positively. Positive vibrations are associated with positive emotions, which leads to more things I am happy about.

I was wondering why “beginner’s luck” is so common? This is because someone who doesn’t know how to play a particular game cannot have negative thoughts or resistance.

An inexperienced player may not be able to tell the difference. A skilled video poker player might tell you nine times out of ten that the Royal Flush 5th card won’t appear. An experienced player will believe it will happen. A novice player might not think it. It is often challenging.

If you don’t feel confident at your favorite games, you don’t need to be a pro. Try a different game. It is impossible to count how many times I have won money or what I did to get it. It’s great fun! The winnings are mine, and I return to my regular game using a new winning vibration.

Does it matter if you have charm? Not at all. My mother and I have been traveling together to Atlantic City for years. We love to go on Good Luck Charm Treasure Hunts if things are slow.

Casinos place small white cards inside the coin slots that say “Congratulations!” When someone wins the machine lottery. You are considered a winner if the person wins. People often forget these. They are my lucky charm. They already have winning associations. If they fail to bring us luck, we look for it.

Sometimes it’s just a swizzle stick lying around. It could be a swizzle or swizzle stick. It can be a swizzle stick or a swizzle stick. I will grab it and proclaim, “This is it!” It’s the one! They should place it gently on my machine. It was much more fun to create bizarre charms that were possible to experiment with.

One time, we drew a Kilroy-like character on a piece of paper. Kilroy is the guy with a large nose, big hands, and staring up at the wall. We put him on top of it and had a lot of fun. We would then rub his little bald head before hitting the play button. Finally, my mom would make him face the wall if he refused to hand me a second one. We had so much fun and shared so many laughs that it was a very successful day.

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t Kilroy that won the game. We had so much fun playing together that our vibration was so high that the Universe also responded by matching our beat with many winning hands. It all boils down to how you transmit your vibration. Positive feelings can help them achieve greater abundance

No matter how hard you try, you can lose your attitude. This is a sign you need a mental distraction. It is a well-known fact that throwing away good money after bad is not a good idea.

Negative thinking can only lead to more problems (i.e., losing). It’s time to move on and try new things. If you are able, you may choose to stay in a hotel. Rent a $10.00 comedy for TV. (I promise you, it’s worth it). This will make you feel lighter.

Window shop at the Casino Mall or enjoy a live band in the lounge. Take a walk on the boardwalk or strip. You can grab a tasty snack or meal you don’t usually make at home. It can increase your vibration, which will make you feel more optimistic. You can then go back to playing. All it comes down to beating.

Let’s say you have four cards and you aren’t able to draw the last card. What’s your first reaction? Do you feel hopeful that all the cards will align and that you will have a winning hand soon? Are you frustrated or angry at the delay and fuming for twenty minutes?

What makes the difference is your vibrational reaction. What results will you see if you focus only on the hands that did not win? There will be many more hands that don’t win. What will you get if the thrill of winning hands triggers your emotions?

Learning how to shift your attention to bring more happiness to winning hands is possible. This tip will help to win more with the Law of Attraction.